Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Saying goodbye to an amazing athlete

Even though I didnt know him, I felt sad about the death of Jeremy Lusk yesterday. I follow freestyle motocross a bit and always watched for Lusk to take things bigger and more difficult every year. I guess, that caught up with him when a double grab backflip when wrong and the resulting crash left him with massive brain and spinal cord damage, which eventually lead to his passing on monday. 
The motorsports world is a small one and all of us involved are affected when something bad happens to someone in our community. Sometimes that means we have a chance to look at what we do for a fun or for a living and take a moment to realize what the consequences of what we do can be. 
My prayers go out to Jeremy's friends and family. 

The truth, and the "beep"in side of doin test rides

Now, I dont want to make any enemies here... but when a video clip like this one comes across your desktop you cant just ignore it. I mean, Taera and I get along great. I like traveling with her and I like shooting stories with her. But, because Ive spent a considerable amount of time with her this past winter I can say with confidence... she'd do the same to me... so here is a behind the scenes look at Taera shooting a test ride. For the finished product make sure you watch every episode of Snowtrax TV or look for the episodes online at Snowtraxtv.com

On a different note. Here is a snowman I built for this little girl while we were on the Grey Bruce trip. She liked it.


I just thought everyone would like to see a killer snowman... 
Untill next time...

Grey Bruce, perfect trails, perfect tails!!!

Recently I accompanied Taera on a trip to the Grey Bruce region of Ontario. She was doing a story for the show, and I was driving the truck. Really, its a sweet gig. I just drive to a location, unload the sleds and ride. Then, at the end of the week, I get paid... dang eh!This trip really turned into an adventure for a number of reasons. First, we decided to go on a groundhog hunt... seeing as how Wiarton ON, is located in the Grey Bruce region and Wiarton Willy is a groundhog. It made sense at the time anyway. Needless to say, with the help of our local contact Brian Plumstead, we found him. 

And, according to eyewitness reports, he's a big fan of Yamahas Nitro. I was not surprised to hear he did, in fact see his shadow and we'll be having 6 more weeks of winter. Apparently he wants to ride more.

Next, Taera was doing some winter camping for a night so me and the boys took off for an epic ride on some of the best trails ive ridden this year. Chris Hughes, Bill Tennison  and I all ended up at one of the many Club Houses in the area, which, on this particular evening was hosting a wing night. Now, just so were clear... this is a big deal. Id estimate over 100 sleds outside and easily 120 people inside. We came, we ate wings, we ripped it up. Thats all I have to say about that. 

Before I sign off for the night I really have to make a point of saying that I was extremely impressed with every inch of the Grey Bruce Regions trails.  Sure, we hit some bumps, I even cartwheeled my Nitro in a field. 
But the bumps were pretty small the and field incident was all my fault. Over the 3 days we were in town I put on over 300km. This is an area id go back to in a heart beat... maybe next time ill even get to ride with Willy... who knows.