Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The truth, and the "beep"in side of doin test rides

Now, I dont want to make any enemies here... but when a video clip like this one comes across your desktop you cant just ignore it. I mean, Taera and I get along great. I like traveling with her and I like shooting stories with her. But, because Ive spent a considerable amount of time with her this past winter I can say with confidence... she'd do the same to me... so here is a behind the scenes look at Taera shooting a test ride. For the finished product make sure you watch every episode of Snowtrax TV or look for the episodes online at Snowtraxtv.com

On a different note. Here is a snowman I built for this little girl while we were on the Grey Bruce trip. She liked it.


I just thought everyone would like to see a killer snowman... 
Untill next time...

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